
I do not own The Twilight Saga, Life and Death, or any other story that my fanfictions are based on.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2018


So, if you're reading this blog than I assume you were led here because of my fiction or fanfiction, as a result it should not come as a surprise that I love vampires. I have always had a fascination with vampires. It's something which far precedes my multi-faceted love/hate relationship with the Twilight Saga.

Probably one of the first things I ever remember watching is Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and I'm not talking about the show, I'm referring to the movie that came out in 1992. As movies go, it's a bit of a joke, but for all that, it was memorable.

When the tv show the same name came out a few years later, I quickly became obsessed with the show. I also fell in love with it's spin-off. Over the years I've watched dozens of movies and shows about vampires from Underworld to Moonlight to The Vampire Diaries and many more. Similarly, I've read hundreds of vampire books.

So why do vampires fascinate me?

I'd say it's about the immortality, but I've both read and watched stories about vampires who were very much mortal so that isn't it, and it isn't about the romance because I actually enjoy vampire that end in horror and tragedy.

So what does that leave? The sex appeal? Well, I guess in some movies and shows there's a sexual side to it, like in Moonlight, but there are plenty of vampire stories I love where the vampires aren't sexy at all. Priest anyone?

In all honesty I don't know or maybe I do and I refuse to admit it even to myself.

At this point... the only story I have, fanfiction or otherwise, with no vampires is The Emotional Roller Coaster Of Life.

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