
I do not own The Twilight Saga, Life and Death, or any other story that my fanfictions are based on.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

An Introduction to the Characters of The Wish of the Damned

The Wish of the Damned may or may not end up being part of a larger series, but in this first book there are only a handful of characters that play a major role in the story. Three to be exact.

Tyre/Belial is the primary character of this story. His history date back thousands of years though the details of his life will be slow to be revealed. He's a tortured individual whose afraid to open his heart to yet another after losing the last woman he loved. He usually looks older to most people but his appearance can change to fit what he wants the people who look at him to see, he's sarcastic and blunt, and he's ultimately deadly.

Temperance was a human woman who fell in love with Tyre. She gave him a child by the name of Serenity. Neither their daughter nor her had a chance to truly live. A group of hellhounds killed both her and their child before it was their time.

Finally there is Cecilia, a young woman of twenty-six who has just had her life upended when her dormant nature is awoken and she transforms into a hellhound for her first time. Forced to realize there's a whole world of supernatural that she never knew about she clings to the man who offered to teach her control.

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