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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Why I Like Bella

So, I've been considering writing this for awhile, as in months, but I've put it off again and again because I've wanted to do justice to this post.

I have several people who read my stories who are legitimately hater of Bella. I've had people tell me she's shallow, that the only thing she wanted was immortality, that she was too plain, etc, etc. 

I could, and actually have, argued on each point I've been given, but I'm not going to do that here. Instead, I'm just going to come out point-blank. Bella is a one-dimensional character, and I know a lot of people will disagree with me on that, but the thing is that Bella's emotions are almost never shown the Twilight Saga, her logic behind her decisions is completely missing, and anything that could have truly allowed a person to see full depth into Bella isn't there. 

But I'm not saying that's a bad thing. In fact, I'm relatively sure it is why she is so compelling as a character. Because she is so... Well... plain. Almost anyone can find a connection to her. A lot of her logic and drive, etc is missing which allows people to reach their own conclusions about her as a character and it allows readers to read between the lines in such a way that they can imagine their own logic. 

And it's not just Bella, by the way, it is basically that way for every character in the story. 

Because of the way the saga is written, there are huge gaps where you're left having to guess for yourself as to what really happened, as to why such a thing was done in whatever way it was done, and more.

Now, I will say this, if the books were supposed to show every nuance and be completely revealed than the saga was really poorly written, but if this was exactly what Meyer actually wanted - if she wanted people to analyze and think for themselves and ultimately reach their own conclusions - than she is brilliant, possibly one of the greatest authors to ever exist. And I don't know which one it is. I'm also not sure it matters.

But, to get back to the point, it is that plainness of her that makes me want to write about her and it's also why I don't usually label my stories as ooc, because depending on how a person reads between those lines for Bella's motivations, my Bella's truly aren't ooc.

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