
I do not own The Twilight Saga, Life and Death, or any other story that my fanfictions are based on.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

My Position On...

So, unlike some writers, I actually more pms and emails than I get reviews. I don't know why, but I always have. And I get a lot of similar questions. So I'm taking a few of the questions that I get asked most often and I'm answering them here.

1) Who is Bella going to end up with in (xyz)? Most of my stories tell you from the getgo. The Hunter is going to be ExB (eventually), It's a Twin Thing is going to be ExBxB, Necromancy in the Fifth is ExB, RR is technically ExB, The Differences Between Fantasy and Reality is BxM. As for The Emotional Roller Coaster Of Life, forget it, I'm not telling. If you've read the first 170+ chapters than you can wait the remaining 40 to find out. 

2) What is my position on cheating? First of all, this isn't any of your business. But, I'm going to give the very long winded answer. As I've mentioned a couple of times, I have a major in psychology, and I remember when I was in college getting my degree, the professor that was teaching one of the courses did several seminars. One of which, was about the nature of cheating. I remember when I went to this seminar and that his very first statement was "Cheating is human nature." He went on to explain that on a scientific level, unlike owls, eagles, voles, wolves, skinks, and certain primates, humans are not monogamous - we do not mate for life. I, like many people there, was righteously outraged. I was nineteen, in love, and at the time, I would have sworn that the man who later went on to be my first husband was going to be the only man I loved for the rest of my life. For those that don't know, he died almost eight and a half years ago and I've been remarried for almost two years now. Though at the time I went to that seminar I was very upset by what was said, it has stuck with me for years, and looking back I'm not a hundred percent sure that professor was wrong. Does that mean I agree with cheating. Well, it doesn't matter. It's up to you rather you feel it's right or not. My opinion is my own.

3) This is actually a paraphrase of several different question I've been asked, but it should work for the purposes of it. Why do I chose to write about incest, cheating, rape, abuse, etc? Because they all happen. They're all real. They're all part of life. It's the same reason I write about emotional development and many other things. If you're looking for an all sunshine and roses story that is pure fluff with nothing real in it - I will never be that author.

4) How do I come up with my stories? My head. No, seriously, my head. For a more detailed answer, go to the label Inspiration, which details my inspiration for my stories (and a couple other things).

AND MY PERSONAL FAVORITE (the one I get more than anything)

5) How dare you be unfaithful to Twilight and write about Life and Death? There are so many ways I can answer to this. But I'm gonna limit it to two. First, my choice. Second, no one is forcing you to read it. 

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