
I do not own The Twilight Saga, Life and Death, or any other story that my fanfictions are based on.

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Saturday, September 22, 2018

It's A Twin Thing Sneak Peek

A teaser of Chapter 3 - The Mystery of Unicorns:

I didn't need to go to orientation, there was nothing that a tour guide could tell me about Cornell University that I didn't already know. Just like there wasn't a subject I could take that I wasn't already familiar with.

We'd already been in Ithaca for four long years, and at this point I was almost wanting Jasper or Emmett to slip up so we could move on already. I knew how bad that sounded, but I was bored – and the truth was... I was bored with more than just this town. I tried to keep everything carefully concealed, as the last thing I wanted for my parents to realize was just how tired of this non-life I really was.

I knew they all liked it here, that the weather was cloudy often enough that we could go outside in the day without raising any suspicion; that there was the world of fashion at Alice's finger tips, cars of all designs at Rosalie's, the enriched studies that Jasper liked to take so much, a well staffed hospital with high tech for Carlisle, beautiful old houses for Esme to work on, and sports galore for Emmett to enjoy... There was something that just brought out a spark in each one of my family members in this town and this state. Everyone except me, that was.

And I knew, because I could read all of their thoughts, that Jasper could feel my ever growing discontent, and Alice sometimes would get a vision of me leaving my family. Just as I knew Carlisle and Esme had both caught onto how tired I was of just existing. Even Rosalie and Emmett had noticed to some extent. All, in spite of my best efforts to hide it. But, even though they all knew, they all ignored. It was easier, even in a family with no secrets, to pretend that we were all content in our existence.

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