
I do not own The Twilight Saga, Life and Death, or any other story that my fanfictions are based on.

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Friday, February 22, 2019

The Workplace Teaser

I have an upcoming one-shot in the works called The Workplace, a Fred/Tanya tale, here's a brief teaser of the opening:

Fred wasn't the type of guy who got out all that much. He woke up every morning, took a piss, showered, brushed his teeth, got dressed, and headed into work at the high rise to take customer service calls. At the end of his eight hour work day, which often kept him closer to twelve, he'd head home to eat and then sleep. From there, it was simply a case of rinse and repeat. Even on his days he was supposed to have off, he was usually in the high rise working.

It wasn't a glamorous life but it was his, and it paid the bills. At the end of the day, that was main thing that mattered to him.

Other people were in it for the glory or the adventure, but he was simply the type of guy who liked to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward. Sure, someday, somehow, he intended to eventually run the company he'd worked at as an agent for the last decade – everyone needed a long term goal. But he was realist, and it was all about the day to day for him.

Fred was the kind of guy most people considered to be strictly average, even though he was taller than most. He stood at six foot four with unkempt light brown hair – no matter the amount of product he put in it – hazel eyes, a face a little too oblong, and the tiniest amount of fat. As a general rule, he wasn't handsome, but he wasn't bad looking either, he was just... average.

Like many guys who fell under that same qualification, his hand was his best friend. Women typically weren't interested in him, preferring the type of guy he'd never be. He wasn't the one who'd don a leather jacket and sit atop a chopper just to give a girl a ride, nor was he the type to whips and chains – that was more of Emmett's thing, his big brother.

It wasn't that he wasn't interesting if someone took a chance to know him. It was simply that no one ever bothered to try.

In all honesty, his last girlfriend been almost two years ago, and Bree had taken off the instant their relationship had gotten serious.

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