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Monday, May 4, 2020

The News

Unless you're living under a rock by now you've heard the news. For the one or two that haven't, at approximately nine ante meridian eastern time, Stephenie Meyer officially announce Midnight Sun will be released on August 4, 2020.

Cheers, yippee, yahoo, and all of that.

You may notice the sarcasm that manages to express itself, even in that short seven word sentence. I want to be excited for this book. But, the truth is, I'm not... not even a little bit.

The longer I think about it. The less enthused I am by the fact that it's finally coming out. And before anyone asks the magic three letter word, the truth is,  I don't know. I want to be excited. But perhaps it's about the fact that it's been almost twelve years since the release of the partial draft and somewhere along the line, I've just stopped caring.

Or perhaps it's because of the numerous, very well written, Midnight Sun continuations that are on FFN. Part of me truly believes that several of those authors are better than Meyer herself. 

Or perhaps it's that I was hoping, maybe foolishly, for something else Twilight related. Meyer always said that there was a possibility of a future story featuring Jake and Renesmee... and part of me hoped. Also, after writing Life and Death, she did say she was considering writing other retellings, so I thought this release might be an "insert new characters" Bella/Jake story. Or, as was implied with The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, there were characters, plural, that stuck out to her, so maybe it was going to be another character's novella.

Maybe, I was secretly hoping for the sequel to The Host...

Instead, we get the long awaited Midnight Sun.

And I should be excited.

But, as I read the summary, I feel like it's setting me up for a let down. It promises darkness, and though I have seen Meyer write really good fantasy, really good romance, really sci-fi... I have never seen her write dark. In fact, one could say, her previous works suggest she deliberately avoids it. And unless she's gotten a lot more brazen since she wrote Life and Death The Chemist, I'm just not seeing it.

And that's the problem.

I think if the summary was marketing it as the young adult romance I'm almost a hundred percent certain it's going to end up being, I might be more exited

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