
I do not own The Twilight Saga, Life and Death, or any other story that my fanfictions are based on.

Also most teasers, sneak peeks, lost moments, and other material on this site are unedited and as such may have errors, may be subject to some changes, etc.

Click for the Poll for the Rebirth and Affliction shorts

Poll for Rebirth and Affliction

survey tool Another Chance, An Escapee's Future, and The Unfortunate End of Bradley Tanner are not listed on the poll because we ...

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Story Recs - New Moon AU Edition

So one of the earliest types of fanfics that I ever read were New Moon AUs. Most of my earliest passion for Twilight fanfics was derived around the idea of a different storyline than the one shown in the books. For me, Bella's wallowing and then instantaneous forgiveness after she saves him is just about completely incomprehensible. It's why almost all of my old fics that were pulled were about different versions of event that could have occurred based around New Moon. Below, in no particular order, are my top five favorite ones out there, but I'll probably revisit this subject later.

Sacrifices by Enthralled - When Edward left Bella, he did so in the hopes that she would have a happy, human life. What would happen if she did just that, but it turned out that things didn't go as either of them planned? Edward & Bella AU

Goodbye Peter Pan by Bled Dry - Prompted by a feeling, Alice leads the Cullens back to Forks, but ten years is a long time in a brief human life. Edward's wish for Bella to have a nice human life seems to have been fulfilled. Bella believes that once she loved a remarkable boy, but in the end he didn't love her. Can Edward convince her she is wrong?

In the Blink of an Eye by thatwritr - New Moon AU. Bella went cliff diving but it didn't turn out well. She broke her back. A decade later, Edward reappears in her life on the same night she loses her best friend and husband to a freak accident. She's not thrilled to see him. Eventual E/B

Irritable Grizzly Adams by caligula42 - New Moon AU. Edward did more than just leave Bella in the woods five years ago. Time goes on as Bella struggles to make a new life without him. What happens when they are accidentally reunited? What was the real lie that Edward told? What will Bella do?

When Darkness Turns to Light by Janna Banana -  4 years after Edward left Bella in the forest; Bella is finally moving forward, but it is someone from her past that helps her truly heal and obtain the future she was always meant to have. Bella and Jasper Fanfic.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Newest Shift Teaser

A brief teaser of the upcoming one-shot from me, Newest Shift:

Fifteen years ago, I'd planned to take off and never set foot in or near La Push ever again, unfortunately for me that plan never got to occur. Every time I'd gotten close to making my dream a reality, something else had happened to make me put it off – for just another month, or another six months, or another year. After ten years of trying and failing, I'd finally given up the dream.

Sam had been the first shifter to stop – officially – shifting about ten years prior, though he often still turned about once a year or so. Still, with him no longer acting as alpha, the pack had been swallowed up as all being under Jacob and myself.

The thing was though, eventually, it would all be mine. For now, Jacob stayed in La Push with Renesmee and their kids, but the Cullens had already moved up to Vancouver – the closest they'd ever moved when changing identities – in an effort to stay in Charlie's life for as long as possible. But eventually Renesmee and Jacob would leave too. And though technically wolf telepathy didn't seem to have a limit, the pack wouldn't be able to stay strong with a wayward leader.

Jake and I never discussed it, not even in our heads, but we both knew when he moved the pack would need to be passed down to his second – his beta – me. It was a terrifying thought, because though I'd given up on my dream, being a wolf forever wasn't exactly something I wanted.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Info About Rebirth and Affliction

I don't yet know if I'm going to be able to force Chapter 14, but it is my plan to try to work on it and hopefully make it happen. I'm also hoping to get some of the missing moments together and posted.

Once I can get through the next three or so chapters of Rebirth and Affliction, the story should start being easier to write again. I just have to get to that point first is all, and that's where I've been having the largest amount of trouble at the moment.

If I can force out the rest of Chapter 14 than everyone should be prepared for it not to be as well written as some of my other chapters as it is proving extremely difficult to write as of this time.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Hunter Sneak Peek

A brief teaser of Chapter 4 - Room:

Sighing, I checked out where I'd placed everything to make sure it was all perfectly organized. My bedroom had a dresser with three drawers and I'd placed the most important things on the very top. It was all the jewelry Jeod had given to me. The jewelry went from left to right starting with my teardrop sapphire necklace, then my engagement ring, a pair of ruby earrings, an emerald bracelet, an amethyst pin, and finally a topaz brooch. I carefully fingered each piece of jewelry, briefly remembering the excitement as I'd opened each for the first time, remembering the happiness and joy upon discovering a normal girly gift instead of yet another weapon or whatever else my mother or Phil had given me. All of them were a beautiful reminder of a happiness caused by an innocence which had been torn from me. I finally fingered the brooch, looking at it bitterly – the only sour piece mixed in with all the beauty. Jeod had tried so hard last September to keep the tradition alive, but he should have known... nothing would ever be the same after the end of last March.

After I was done looking at my jewelry, I opened the first drawer and started to verify my clothes were set out properly. My clothes were set into three rows, starting with shirts in the first row, carefully organized in a gradient color arc, starting with black and ending with white. Almost all of my shirts were tees, but there were a couple of red blouses and a dark gray sweatshirt mixed in. The second row were pants which were organized in the same color gradient – the pants were all jeans except for one set of black sweats. And the final row was my underwear, lingerie actually, also organized by color. To anyone on the outside, if they saw how everything placed – not to mention the fact that I was going through it all – they'd probably assume I was OCD, but it wasn't about some sort of need for perfection, it was about a need for simplicity. I needed to be able to pack everything fast if it came down to it. I shut the drawer and opened the next one.

Happy Kwanzaa

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry... All of that

Merry Christmas

Happy Newtonmas

and in honor of my little brother

Monday, December 24, 2018

The Wish of the Damned Sneak Peek

A brief teaser of Chapter 3: Voyeuristic Dreams -

Three days have passed since Belial's first visit to the hospital, but she still hasn't woke up. He ought to know, he's visited everyday. He knows it's foolish to go there everyday, after all, he only met her once and not for that long of a time.

Giving the cops her name had proven useful, with it, they had been able to identify her. They'd tried to keep what they discovered from Belial, but he heard anyways. A girl born to a vagrant mother and an unknown father was taken and put through the system at a very young age, moved from one foster house to another until she was old enough to get her own place. It explained a lot to him, most specifically, why she didn't know what she was and why she didn't recognize him.

In simple, layman terms, she'd never been told. Though he does wonder if her genes had been passed from her mother or her father.

He gets up and walks over to the window, looking below at the city bustling with life. It looks nothing like the Detroit of even a decade ago, back then, the city had looked like a ghost town with very few walking on the street in broad day light, let alone at dusk, as it is now.

Belial's been sitting with Cecilia most of the day, being a Saturday, he didn't have to work. He didn't even have to come to this area of the city, but he'd found a decent excuse to come. He still hadn't bought the blasted remote he needs to get in order to replace the one he'd broke in his anger. Of course, now it's too late to go to the local electronics store. A good excuse for tomorrow night, and since tomorrow's the first night of the full moon, he's going to be here – excuse or not.

Sex, Blood, Revenge (and Everything in Between) Sneak Peek

A brief teaser of Chapter 3 ~ Burmilla:

I hiss at Herasee and Katrine immediately pushes in front of her. I have half a mind to put the poor banshee out of her misery. She has no idea how powerful I am... actually, none of them do. I haven’t used my full strength in a long time.

Katrine is a banshee – a mixed blood creature who is half vampire and half witch. The few of them who exist are actually among the most powerful beings roaming this earth, more powerful than most vampires, but they aren’t as powerful as me.

“Katrine, back down and walk away while you still have the chance.”

Katrine doesn’t back away, she doesn’t have to, because just then Burmilla comes running up. I know she has come out merely to defuse our fight, but the instant she sees me her love swells. Katrine and Herasee become nothing more than bystanders in both of our minds. I can almost hear Burmilla’s thoughts. It is shocking just how strong our familiar bond is. Of course, we have been familiars for four years and we never deny each other anything.

Burmilla is the same height as me, but she always manages to seem shorter. She runs the last steps to me and jumps into my arms. Her legs immediately wrapping around my hips as I wrap my arms around her waist. Her lips pepper my cheeks with kisses before her mouth meets mine.

Her tongue slips into my mouth, but as the kiss heats up several of the werewolves yell, “Get a room.”

Tis the 24th of December

Happy Christmas Eve

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Friday, December 21, 2018

Happy Yule

Today is the Winter Solstice, aka Yule, so I hope everyone has a Happy Yule

Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Updated List of Characters from The Emotional Roller Coaster of Life

Characters names and ages in the fall of 2011. For the most part, characters are not in any real particular order.

For there record - atd = at time of death. 

Charlie Swan and Renee Higginbotham (both deceased) || 55 atd in 2008/39 atd in 2002
  • Rosalie Ginnifer Swan - 27
  • Isabella Marie Swan - 24 
Harry Clearwater (deceased) and Sue Uley || 25 atd in 1992/45
  • Leah Faith Clearwater - 19
Billy Black and Sarah Wilde (both deceased) || 45 atd in 2003/36 atd in 1997
  • Rebecca Ann Black - 29
  • Rachel Annabelle Black - 29
  • Jacob William Black - 23
  • Seth Clarence Black - 18
Billy Black (deceased) and Sue Uley || 45 atd in 2003/45
  • Embry Bo Black - 11
  • Quil Ateara Black - 10
Charlie Swan (deceased) and Sue Uley || 55 atd in 2008/45
  • Claire Mildred Swan - 2 
Edward Cullen Sr and Elizabeth Garfunkel (deceased) || 62/34 atd in 1987
  • Edward Anthony Cullen Jr - 24
  • Alice Cynthia Cullen - 24
James Whitlock (deceased) and Victoria King || 35 atd in 1987/57
  • Garret Lee Whitlock - 35
  • Emmett McCartney Whitlock - 29
James Whitlock (deceased) and Irina Higginbotham || 35 atd in 1987/53
  • Jasper Hans Whitlock - 28

Second Generation:

Bella's kids

  • William Charles Black - 3 days old atd in 2008
  • Sarah Marie Black - stillborn 2010
  • ????
  • ????
Rosalie's kid
  • ????
Emmett's kid
  • Bree Shaw - 12
Alice's kid
  • Didyme "Dee-Dee" Leann Dwyer - 10

Swan Song Fashion's employ:

Maggie Hall - 39 (Assistant)
Liam Scott - 35 (Coordinator)
Sulpicia Moretti - 56  (Head producer and seamstress)
Eleazar Rossi - 48 (Photographer)
Mel Wong - 33 (Photographer)

The Models
  • Zafrina Aguta - 25
  • Senna Aguta - 25
  • Kachiri Aguta - 25
  • Corin Peterson - 28
  • Chelsea Allen - 23
  • Charlotte Holt - 32
  • Heidi Evans - 31
  • Shelly Lewis - 20
  • Tia Adams - 28
  • Noella Ortiz - 19
  • Siobhan Walsh - 29 (former model with Rosalie)


Served with Jasper:

Peter Lunn formerly Lundegaard - 29
Joham Kassis - 34 atd in 2006
Nahuel Abboud - 28 atd in 2005
Sixteen male soldiers and three female soldiers who died sometime between late 2004 and late 2005. Some of the soldiers include
  • Dean
  • Casey
  • Jim
  • Kevin
  • Logan
  • Warren
  • Steve 
  • Adam
  • Fred
  • Toshiro
  • Huilen
  • (and eight others)


New York Lost Girls Orphanage:

Hilda Perez - 72

The Orphans
  • Serena Carter - 17
  • Jennifer Collins - 17
  • Kristie Flores - 16
  • Heather Bailey - 15
  • Sara Turner - 13
  • Jen Stewart - 13
  • Jackie Phillips - 12
  • Denise Howard - 12
  • Renata Nielsen - 12
  • Cora Sosa - 11
  • Mary Ward - 11
  • Makenna Jacobs - 9
  • Athenadora Farkas - 8
  • April Murray - 7
  • Kebi Mendoza - 7
  • Maysun Khalif - 6


Dowling's employ:

John Dowling - 51 
  • Diego Baxter - 26
  • Riley Biers - 28
  • Royce Killian - 30

Other Minor Characters /w brief descriptions:

Solomon Finau - 32 (Rebecca's husband) 
Paul Lahote - 26 (Rachel's fiance)
Jared Cameron - 22 and Kim Print - 22 (Jacob and Leah's friends)
Sam Uley - 37, Emily Young - 37, & twins Jane and Alec Uley - 4 (Leah's cousins)
Brady Fuller - 15 (Jacob and Seth's friend)
Collin Littlesea - 17 (Jacob and Seth's friend)
Carlisle Masen - 59 and Esme Platt - 55 (Run a rehab center in Seattle)
Pastor Arthur Weber - 56, Margaret Weber - 51, & twins Isaac and Joshua Weber - 16 (Alice's foster family)
Ben Cheney - 25 and Angela Weber - 25  (Bella and Alice's friend/Alice's foster sister)
Eric Yorkie - 25, Katie Marshall - 26, & Bianca, Valentina, and Chet Yorkie - 6, 5, and 3 respectively (Bella's friends)
Tyler Crowley - 26 and Lauren Mallory - 24 (Bella's friends)
Caius Smith - 28 and Gianna Gonzalez - 27 (Leah's friends w/ benefits)
Austin Marks - 19 (Seth's friend w/ benefits)
Micheal Newton - 59 atd in 2009 and Karen Newton 51 atd in 2000 (Former owners of Newton's Olympic Outfitters)
Mike Newton - 24 and Jessica Stanley - 24 (Bella's boss/Bella's friend)
Phil Dwyer - 38 and Samantha Wells - 35 (Adopted parents of Didyme)
Henry Shaw - 57 atd in 1997 and Beth Shaw - 53 atd in 1997 (Former bakery owners and Vera's parents)
Vera Shaw - 35  (Former bakery owner and Bree's mom)
Nettie Hernandez - 35 (Friend of Vera's)
Lucy Martinez - 35 (Friend of Vera's)
Marcus Voltaire - 56 (Potential candidate as house representative)
Walter Snow - 68 atd in 2008 (Former doctor who helped Alice)
Joseph Goff - 47 (Doctor at Forks General)
Carmen Domingo - 38 (Nurse at Forks General)
Benjamin Mitchell - 43 (Town Mayor)
Mark Foster - 51 (Forks police deputy)
Steve Mustard - 39 (Forks police deputy)
Gustavo Dememento - 58 (Butler)
Felix Virtuoso - 34 (Attorney)
Bob Morgan - 58 (Owner of The Lodge)
Amber Moore - 27 (Waitress at Bella Italia)
Santiago Wright - 41 (Investment banker)
Anton Morgan - 36 (Alice's psychologist)
Joanne Gerandy - 45 (Jasper's psychiatrist)
Brett Warner - 42 (Counselor who works evenings at the rehab center in Seattle)
June Richardson - 27 (News anchor)
Joshua Uley - 56 (Fisherman and Sam's father)
Whitney Price - 47 (Realtor)
Tanya Evenson - 31 (Actress)
Maria Virgo - 31 (Singer)
Kate Tribeck - 31 (Model)
Lizzie Reed - 20 (Leah's friend w/ benifits)
Raoul Brooks - 23 (Leah's friend)
Alonzo Calderas - 36 (Leah's one night stand or rapist, depending on personal opinion)
Dennis Greene - 63 (Former teacher of Garrett's)
Laurent Bernard - 48 (Had a brief affair with Garrett while dating Victoria)
Charles Williams - 35 (Former boyfriend of Garrett's)
David "DJ" Smith - 32 atd in 2004 (Former boyfriend of Garrett's)
Randal Davis - 38 atd in 2011 (Former boyfriend of Garrett's)
Rosalie's Vibrator Demetri - owned for 11 years. (Self explanatory)

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Difference Between Fantasy and Reality Sneak Peek

Due to the length of Chapter 26 - Party, I'm posting a second brief teaser for it:

My eyes opened in the shadowy forest surrounding La Push. Everything was foggy and I wasn't at all sure how I'd ended up in the forest. The last thing I remembered was falling asleep in Edward arms. I slowly got up, some part of me noting my hands were perfectly fine and there was something wrong about that, but couldn't quite figure out what.

As I got up, my eyes caught a shadow in the distance. “Hello, is anyone out there?”

The shadow didn't reply though. I looked around the forest trying to find something or someone to hold on to, but though I was sure there was something in front of my eyes a couple of times, I couldn't tell what was in front of my eyes. Instead, I kept on looking back towards the shadow. Finally I started walking towards it, determined to find out who it was.

Behind me I heard a voice shout, “Bella, don't.” The voice was as muffled as my vision was.

I spun again, looking for the speaker, but I once again couldn't find anyone, just two places in the forest where I couldn't quite focus.

I turned back towards the shadowy figure and continued my journey. As I got closer to the shadow it morphed into two shadows side by side.

A few steps closer and I finally made out one singular feature on the second shadow, the one I hadn't originally been able to see, and that feature was long, curly red hair. My breath caught in my throat because I knew who the shadows had to be. Victoria and James. It wasn't possible because James was dead, but I knew it had to be true.

I tried to take a step back, but was completely unable to. Instead, my feet continued to push me forward without my permission.

Just as windblown copper locks came into view both turned to face me and as they did it wasn't James and Victoria looking at me. Instead it was Edward and a woman I'd never seen before – her hair turning from red to deep brown as she spun to face me. Edward's eyes were bright red.

Just then a small pink stone on the forest floor caught my eye as it flashed a bright pinkish white, completely blinding me.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Chapter Work Hell

I'm about 7500 words into the twenty-sixth chapter of The Differences Between Fantasy and Reality and I am not even half way through this chapter, I'm actually hazarding a guess I'm only about a third of the way done. I now know why I've been putting off working on this chapter.

As for my other stories, Rebirth and Affliction: Eclipse Reimagined is still stalled in the water. I'm hoping to try and force out the rest of Chapter 14 - Declaration after I finish the chapter I mentioned above.

Meanwhile, The Emotional Roller Coaster Of Life I'm finding to be both one of the easiest stories for me to write, and one of the hardest. It is a challenge to keep my chapters at a drabble length and I have already several times.

RR just rounded out it's sixth chapter and I'm pretty sure there's only going to be about six or so more. While The Hunter and It's A Twin Thing still have a very undetermined length.

Monday, December 17, 2018

The Differences Between Fantasy and Reality Sneak Peek

A brief teaser of Chapter 26 - Party:

Alice laughed, and the sound was all silver, a wind chime. “Of course you’ll enjoy it. Everyone is supposed to be nice to you today and give you your way, Bella. What’s the worst that could happen?” She meant it as a rhetorical question.

“He knows why,” I grumbled under my breath. It was actually about more than just my fear of Edward taking off. There was also the very real issue that in less than a year I'd have to be off at college and leaving my father to fend for himself. While part of me was excited to start my future and move out from under my father's thumb, there was this much larger part of me which feared leaving him. As I'd told Edward when we first met, there is a symbiotic relationship between parent and child, and it was especially there for me given how much we'd only had each other to rely on.

Alice was staring at Edward and apparently he'd answered her without either of them actually speaking, because suddenly she turned to me. “Isn't eighteen a little young to be worrying about your age?”

“It’s older than Edward,” I mumbled.

He sighed.

“Technically,” she said, keeping her tone light. “Just by one little year, though.”

“You're right, and if I thought for a second that these last months had swayed him in the slightest to an eventuality which doesn't end in me dead or having to give up loving him for my own sanity's sake it wouldn't matter, but currently it's just a reminder of how little time there really is for us.” All because Edward was dead set against any future that changed me. Any future that made me like him – that made me immortal, too.

An impasse, he called it.

I couldn’t really see Edward’s point, to be honest. After all, he claimed to love me, and yet he was completely unwilling to keep me. It made me once again question if he really did care.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Story Recs - Holiday Edition

These recs are in honor of the winter holidays. They are mostly all Christmas based but as people celebrate all different sorts of holidays during this time of year, there are a couple others (would be a few others, but apparently almost everyone only writes Christmas stories).

Edward's Christmas Carol by bloodnoir - The Christmas Carol Twilight style.

Twelve Christmas with Seth Clearwater by lilytimes - Bella spends christmas over the years with Seth.

Twas the Twilight of Christmas by Morine123 - A flashback of Edward spending Christmas with Elizabeth and Edward Masen. And a present view of the Cullen's Christmas.

Baby, I'll Be Home For Christmas by The Brown Eyed Writer - Edward is off at war at Christmas and Bella is all alone. Little did she know, she gets the best Christmas ever when she goes to the Cullen's Christmas party. She actually gets 2 Christmas presents. All Human! Fluffy! R&R! Merry Christmas to everyone!

Under the Mistletoe by sillybella - This was a Twilight Christmas story challenge. It had to include an awful lot in a oneshot: see the AN before the story. Merry Christmas!

All I Want For Christmas by naelany - Edward really was all I wanted for Christmas. I wanted him home, safe and sound. Slash, J/E. Entry for Christmas contest

Last Christmas by staceleo - Bella Swan hates Christmas. Can she find some Christmas joy thanks to the spirited Edward Cullen? Story for the What's in Santa's Sack compilation. o/s

Edward Cullen's 12 Days of Christmas by smmiskimen - Winner of the TwiGirlsNextDoor 12 Days of Christmas Challenge, People's Choice. Spanning the 12 days leading to Christmas, each chapter was inspired by two prompts. Hope you enjoy the repost!

Eight Nights of Delights by stupidsuckedinreader - AH/Jewish:Bella Swanstein & Edward Cullenman home from college and abandoned by their friends during winter break, find love within one another by the light of the Hanukkah menorah. A collection of stories with a kosher twist.

The Yule Tree by Dinia Steel - Bella is a priestess in training; Edward is a woodsman, and they are in love. Edward is given a the task of cutting down tree for the annual Yule Festival. B E Romance w/metaphysical overtones.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Shadowed Abyss, Chapter 1 - Pursuer, A Blast From The Past

So, it's been awhile since I've posted A Blast From The Past, but this is a flashback of one of my stories that I removed from FF, it was both my shortest full length story and my most read, Shadowed Abyss. For a summary of the story, you can check The Archives page of my blog.

Below, the first chapter, revamped to read smoother. Enjoy

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or the characters in it.

Ch 1 – Pursuer
Bella POV

I was somewhere in southern California, enjoying my hunt.

It had been twenty-some odd years since I was changed. I didn’t remember much of my human life. The only thing I remembered with clarity was the burning that had occurred during the transformation. I couldn’t remember what my parents looked like or what they’re names were. I couldn’t remember what most of my friends had been like, though I did remember one name, Jacob. I believed he was the one I had been closest to before I was changed.

The only thing I really could remember was the name of the hunter that changed me. It was a man named Laurent, and I had no idea why he hadn't killed me. I had just been left out in the forest, and after three days of an agonizing change I finally was able to move. I ran away from Forks, my only thought at the time was my need to protect the ones I loved.

At the time, I had cared. Now, I couldn’t care less.

I remembered one other thing from my human life, there had been – for a while – a group of vampires that lived in Forks. They were different than me though, they hunted animals and not humans. I remembered I had once wanted to be one. I now couldn’t even imagine it with the hunt thick in my mind. Animals smelled bland and, frankly, I’d never hunt one.

I preferred the luscious smell and flavor of the humans. I was a savage and I hunted as I pleased. I didn’t remember their names, or why I had ever wanted to be like them. My subconscious very much blocked me from those memories – as if they were too painful to remember. I was hardly able to recollect my own name now, it was Bella, but I didn’t care. I called myself something else, I called myself The Pursuer. It was my name now, not some feminine frilly ladies name that I couldn’t begin to fathom why I had ever been given it.

I was thirsty and searching for someone to drink.

Alice POV

It had been twenty-six years since we had left Bella. After the first five years – which somehow Edward had managed not to return to her in – Esme had convinced Edward to return to us. He almost always stayed in his room and sulked.

Unfortunately, even if we did return now, she most certainly had either moved on or died. I had followed Edward’s wishes and had not watched over her future; whenever there had been a vision of her I had stopped it in my tracks. I from time-to-time wondered how she was but I resisted the urge to see how she was.

Us leaving Bella had had disastrous effects. Emmett never joked, Rosalie never worked on cars, Carlisle never read books, Esme never designed houses, Edward never talked, Jasper was always depressed, and I had withdrawn from everyone – even Jasper.

I felt Jasper come into our bedroom then, and I couldn’t remember the last time we had made love, though I knew it had been years. Jasper sat down on the bed.

“Come here Alice,” Jasper said.

I moved over to the bed and sat down but didn’t speak.

Jasper spoke again. “Alice, we need to stop this madness. I don’t care what Edward says, I want you to look into Bella’s future. This has to end, I can’t take it anymore.”

I looked at him with sad eyes. “It won’t help Jazz, It’s too late. Twenty years ago maybe we could have done something but too much time has elapsed.”

“I don’t care, Alice. Look anyways,” he said.

I shut my eyes and put my fingers against my temples. I looked to Forks and ended up in the cemetery.

There was an older male of about sixty kneeling over a gravestone. I vaguely recognized him as Charlie. In front of him the stone said:

Isabella Marie Swan
September 13th, 1987 – March 11th, 2006
To a beloved
friend, and daughter.

Charlie was hunched over crying with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

I pulled myself out of the vision and began to shake. It couldn’t be. It wasn’t possible. Bella couldn’t have died. I tried again and this time I was pulled into another vision.

A female with long brown hair and bright red eyes was stocking a human. She moved toward the human with speed and aggressiveness. The human who was a young girl of probably fourteen spun around, “Who are you?” the girl stammered.

The woman hissed, “The Pursuer.” Then she lunged and shoved the girl to the ground at which point she tore open the neck and began drinking.

I once again forced myself out of a vision. I was shaking uncontrollably and realized I was dry sobbing. All my family – even Edward – was in the room. I could tell from his face that he hadn’t been listening into my vision though.

I couldn’t get a hold of my shaking. Jasper pulled me tight. “What did you see?” he asked.

“Bella,” I choked out.

Edward growled. “What about Bella? You weren't supposed to look into her future.”

Jasper growled back. “I asked her to. I couldn’t take it any more – this depression is driving me wild.” Jasper looked back at me. “What about her?”

“I looked into Forks’ future. I ended up at the cemetery where I read Bella’s gravestone.” I shook my head as everyone gasped. “I couldn’t believe what I saw, so I tried again this time looking for Bella directly.” I let out another sob and started shaking even harder. “I found her or what’s left of her anyways.”

“What does that even mean?” Edward asked.

“Look for yourself,” I said and I let the vision I just had run through my mind again.

“It can’t be,” Edward exclaimed. “Even if she was… She would never… I mean she wouldn’t… That can’t be right…” He continued only halfway coherent.

“What exactly did you see, Alice?” Carlisle asked.

“Bella, she’s a vampire.” I took in a deep breath. “But not like us, she’s a monster.”

Friday, December 14, 2018

RR Sneak Peek

A brief teaser of Chapter 6 - A New Blow:

As they were driving from Port Angeles to Fork, everything went completely black for Alice.

“Stop the car!” she shrieked.

Carlisle immediately pulled over and turned to stare at her. “What is it?”

“Our future completely disappears when we reach Forks and I can't see us coming out the other side. I have no clue what it means.”

She felt Jasper's eyes on the side of her head. “What about Edward's future? Or one of our friends? Can you still see their futures?”

Alice closed her eyes and focused on Edward's immediate future, she could see him staring down at Bella's unresponsive form – hooked up to far too many wires.

“Yeah, I can still see Edward's future.”

“So it's something to do with the town then? Has this happened before?” Jasper asked.

“No,” Alice said instantly and then frowned. “Actually, maybe.”

“What do you mean, maybe?”

“Aside from one time, shortly before Edward came back to live with us, I never deliberately looked for Bella, but in the first eight months after we left I got an occasional half moment vision of Bella before I managed to pull myself out, but there was one time when I saw her at Edward's meadow and a shadow in the trees and then the vision just ended. I didn't pull myself out, it simply stopped. At the time, I didn't think much about it, but now I'm wondering.”

Thursday, December 13, 2018

An Introduction to the Characters of The Dark Assassin

The final of my original fictions is The Dark Assassin. This will be a full length story and likely end up being part of at least a trilogy though I make no guarantee of more than the first book. The first book introduces you to a world of darkness. Set in Savannah, GA, in a current timeline, it does not have the heavy dose of supernatural or fantasy that most of my stories carry and though it does have a small touch of supernatural, it is not in my normal fashion.

The main characters in this story (and any sequels that may follow) are:

Trenton aka Drake, an assassin who has a past steeped in darkness, starting from the time he was a child living in an abusive home. Having never found justice in the justice system, he quickly started to make his own. Now he spends his days working at a gas station, but spends his evenings doing what he's best at.

Cyan aka CeCe, a former navy seal who works at a cafe on the outskirts of Eden, GA. She stops at the gas station almost every morning to get a jerky stick and a soda. She's crushing on Drake but knows nothing of who he really is. As her own past comes to haunt her in the most deadly way possible, she will learn more about Drake than she ever bargained for.

Merrick is a lawyer and friend to Drake, he's also Drake's handler and deals with the money side of what Drake does. Merrick is married and has four kids at home. He's in many ways far more dangerous and devious than Drake, but comes off as being friendly and fun-loving with zero concerns in the world

Julie, Merrick's wife of seventeen years. She is a stay at home mom who knows far more about Drake's world than she lets on. She is faithful to her husband and to his secrets, and ultimately keeps everything tight to the vest.

Garrick, Pedar, Ramsey, and Yennifer, ages 15, 13, 9 and 7 respectively are Merrick and Julie's four kids. Though minor characters, they are important to the story.

Penelope is Merrick's current assistant at his law practice, she's seriously inept at the start, but quickly becomes invaluable to him and his work.

Oswald is a retired hit-man who taught Drake almost everything that he now knows. He's going blind and is ornery as hell.

Finally there's Meladie, a Haitian voodoo priestess who may or mat not be really psychic.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

An Introduction to the Characters of The Wish of the Damned

The Wish of the Damned may or may not end up being part of a larger series, but in this first book there are only a handful of characters that play a major role in the story. Three to be exact.

Tyre/Belial is the primary character of this story. His history date back thousands of years though the details of his life will be slow to be revealed. He's a tortured individual whose afraid to open his heart to yet another after losing the last woman he loved. He usually looks older to most people but his appearance can change to fit what he wants the people who look at him to see, he's sarcastic and blunt, and he's ultimately deadly.

Temperance was a human woman who fell in love with Tyre. She gave him a child by the name of Serenity. Neither their daughter nor her had a chance to truly live. A group of hellhounds killed both her and their child before it was their time.

Finally there is Cecilia, a young woman of twenty-six who has just had her life upended when her dormant nature is awoken and she transforms into a hellhound for her first time. Forced to realize there's a whole world of supernatural that she never knew about she clings to the man who offered to teach her control.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Movie Recs - Christmas Edition

With Christmas only thirteen days away, there are always a few Christmas movies I watch every year. Being a fan of a multitude of genres, not all of them are Christmas-y, but they will all be watched in my house before Christmas. So in no particular order:

  • The Shining (1980 movie, not the mini series)
  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Philosopher's Stone for the UK)
  • Gremlins and Gremlins 2: The New Batch
  • Die Hard, Die Hard 2, Die Hard with a Vengeance, Live Free or Die Hard, and A Good Day to Die Hard
  • The Sound of Music
  • Ice Age
  • Frozen (yes this annoying Disney movie has quickly become a Christmas classic in my household)
  • Anastasia 
  • The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  • Snow Buddies 
  • At least five different versions of A Christmas Carol
  • At least three different versions of The Nutcracker
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • The Santa Clause, The Santa Clause 2, and The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause
  • A Holiday To Remember
  • How The Grinch Stole Christmas (live action with Jim Carrey)
  • Home Alone, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, Home Alone 3, Home Alone 4: Taking Back the House, and Home Alone: The Holiday Heist
  • Ghost Ship
  • The Haunting
  • Shrek, Shrek 2, Shrek the Third, and Shrek Forever After
  • The Covenant
  • Alvin and the Chipmunks, Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel, Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked, and Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip
  • Quest for Camelot

Monday, December 10, 2018

The History of The Emotional Roller Coaster Of Life

The Emotional Roller Coaster Of Life first started to be an idea of mine back in 2010. At the time it was supposed to be first person, with chapters at about three thousands words each and multiple POV changes in every chapter. I could never find a good starting spot though and never could quite make it flow in a way I truly wanted it to. 

Things happened in my life and I put the idea on the back burner.

Coming back into it, I've refined the story a lot and removed the more fantastical of the ideas. Originally, Alice was supposed to have multiple-personal-disorder and Seth was supposed to be a stalker. While part of me misses both of those pieces, I enjoy the route I have Seth's path on a lot more and I find Alice character a lot more straight forward now.

Throughout some my earliest ideas, I could see almost every one of my characters die in one fashion or another, from car wrecks to suicide to overdose. But over time I have refined that to the point where I am now ninety percent sure only one character will die. (Two at the absolute most)

And while some pieces of the story are still in fluctuation, the vast majority of the story isn't.

Friday, December 7, 2018

It's A Twin Thing Sneak Peek

A second brief teaser of the upcoming chapter that should be posted later tonight. From Chapter 5 - September 13th:

And before we'd met the Cullens I'd always convinced myself that we were just humans with deeper access to our brain than most – as is the typical belief with anyone who has psychic abilities. But now I couldn't help but wonder if perhaps we weren't both something far different than human. And if so, how was that even possible? Renee and Phil had been human. Marie had been human. Charlie was definitely human. So how could Beau and I be anything but human?

I reached up and felt the tips of my ears almost subconsciously but they were as smooth and round as they always were. Even though I'd never been one to put any faith in myth and fiction, I still knew all of it, so I was familiar with stories of beings like darklings and changelings, but neither Beau nor I had anything such as wings, tipped ears, pointed noses, sharp teeth, or anything else which would mark us as have being born as some species of fair folk.

Beau and I could scream “bippity boppity boo” until we were blue in the face and we still wouldn't have whatever we secretly wished for. Even the idea of one of us being the angel and the other being a demon – as the myth of every angel having a dark twin, such as Michael and Lucifer, Gabriel and Abaddon, Rafael and Azrael, or Uriel and Azazel – would be impossible for us to be, because we weren't actually twins.

It left the questions of the who and what we were swimming in my mind with no firm answer to give.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Ways to get Notices on Updates to my Stories and this Blog

So this is just sort of a couple of casual notice for anyone who is looking for different options on the things I have available and how to find out about the updates as they occur.

A quick note for everyone, I currently have the following active stories:

  • Rebirth and Affliction: Eclipse Reimagined (currently on a brief hiatus) - on FF and Ao3
  • The Differences Between Fantasy and Reality - on FF
  • It's A Twin Thing - on FF and Ao3
  • RR - on Ao3
  • The Hunter - on FF
  • The Post Breaking Dawn One-shots - on FF
  • The Emotional Roller Coaster Of Life - on FF, Ao3, and Stars
  • Sex, Blood, Revenge (and Everything in Between) - on FPress
  • The Wish of the Damned - on FPress
  • The Dark Assassin - on FPress

With all the different active stories I'm quite busy when it comes to writing (number one reason why I am resisting writing other ideas that keeping bouncing around in my head and are continuously distracting me). 

As I'm so busy that sometimes it's hard for me to guarantee the speed of my updates/ As such, there are several ways to get notices on my different stories. First and foremost you can follow me or my stories on any of the sites I actively post on (FF, FPress, Ao3, or Stars), but you can also friend and follow me on Facebook (if I decline you, just let me know your a reader of my stories) or on Twitter. 

I share the updates to my stories on both Facebook and Twitter, I also usually share my blog posts to them. 

Links to all my profiles are found on the right of my blog. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Wish of the Damned Sneak Peek

A small teaser of Chapter 2: Small Delights:

The news comes on at six am, the same time it comes on everyday. Usually he doesn't pay much attention to it, there's generally nothing on to which concerns him. He pulls a clean blue t-shirt over his head just as the tv blares with the solemn voice saying 'Breaking News,' and then a picture of an old woman that he's scarcely seen twelve hours prior appears on the screen.

The newscaster states, “Seventy-six year old, Elizabeth Jameson, has been found dead at her estate in quadrant ten. The millionaire tycoon is known best for her development of the cures to several known cancers and aids, as well as many other malignant diseases. So far, the police are being tight-lipped on details of her death. But from an inside source, we've been told that it appears an animal killed her.” There's a brief pause to add suspense before the newscaster continues. “In a second story bedroom with no windows open and no pets.”

Belial turns away from the screen in rage. “All I did was touch her for a second,” he grinds the words out from between his teeth. “She didn't deserve to die.”

Still, it's useless saying it. It's useless talking to the heavens, because there's no one there listening, not to him, not anymore. Perhaps they never had. He grabs the remote from the base of the bed and hurls it against the far wall. The satisfying crash does not make up for the fact that he will now have to buy a new remote. He glowers at the chunks of remote on the floor before going over to them and picking them up.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

An Introduction to the Characters of The Vengeful Lust Series

So I have three works of original fiction I am posting over on Fiction Press. The biggest planned out one at the moment is my novella series, The Vengeful Lust Series. Even though the individual novellas are not huge, the fact that there are a total of five novellas in the series makes it my most planned out original fiction. With that being said, I wanted to introduce some of the original characters in this series.

The series as a whole centers around an existence of supernatural in our world, but a post-apocalyptic or possibly a dystopian version of it. The idea being that the supernatural realm decided to reveal it's existence, starting with the top of the food chain. The vampires. The character who you get to know and either love or hate are all supernatural.

Among the vampires you have two different types of vampires, the blood born and the created. The blood born are ancient, many of them having lived thousands upon thousands of years. They're powerful, deadly and essentially royalty. There are a total of four blood born families and a fifth that was eradicated many millennia prior to the start of the series. If you are blood born, you are one them. Any other vampire was created. The four living families are the houses of Drakonia, Vladine, Acerbian, and Abhilasha.

The main protagonist in the first three books is Callidra Abhilasha. She's the last known survivor of her house. Because she is the Princess of Abhilasha, she is a considered a commodity among the other houses, but more than that is the fact that she's a she. Female blood borns are rare. After something happened with Donohue when she was younger and her parents were executed she abandoned her duties as a blood born vampire and fell in love with a human man name d Arian who she turned. For many centuries they were happy, but eventually the other blood borns executed her mate. After he was killed she made a vow to kill all vampires. She later turned that vow into a blood oath with the witches to make sure she never gave up on her cause.

The other two vampires you will become familiar with and also have a major role in the main 3 books are Donohue Drakonia and Arian Sarlin. Donohue is the prince of the Drokonia house and was always destined to be Callidra's mate but sometimes destiny can be thwarted... or at least delayed. Donohue is not a good man by any stretch of the imagine, but for all his hatred, anger and more, it is these very features that make him appealing in some way. By comparison, the late Arian is honest, good, just, and kind. He's the kind of man every woman should want and Callidra loved him for his shining nature.  They are, very much, on opposite ends of the spectrum.

The first three stories are: Sex, Blood, Revenge (and Everything in Between); Desire, Fire, Hate (and Every Other Thing on that List); and Night, Tears, Life (and All Those Mysterious Things)

On top of the vampires, you will get to learn about four other species. The rule of law who are the witches, the half-breed spawn of a witch and vampire union which is a banshee, and two of natures creatures; the werewolves and werecats.

The main witch you will become acquainted with is Herasee. She's a powerful witch who makes sure Callidra fulfills her blood oath. Herasee is unlike most witches because, a) she has a sentient being as a familiar instead of an animal like a cat, dog or owl, and b) she works alone. She does not need the aid of a coven to work powerful spells, nor is she afraid of anything. There are reasons for this, but they won't be revealed until her book.

Her familiar is Katrine, a banshee. Banshees are technically more powerful than vampires, but there are only a handful in existence as their very existence is an affront to the law, to the hierarchy, and nature. She is very brunt and doesn't know her own limits, as such she gets into trouble regularly. Most of her story will be revealed in the same book as Herasee's.

Herasee's and Katrine's story is Anger, Hope, Fate (and the Whole Magical Getup)

Finally there are the werewolf and the werecat. Tiernan is a werewolf and familiar to Donohue. He seems to be the polar opposite of Donohue on an outward front, but the reality is that he has more demons in his closet than even Donohue. He's a very dark character with a very light front. He's multi-faceted in every way and when he ends up accidentally mating to Burmilla, a werecat and Callidra's familiar, the world turns on its metaphorical axis. Burmilla is a lover with a knowledge of how to fight and kill that is completely unmatched.

Their story is Pain, Games, Lies (and Many Other Dark Affairs)

Monday, December 3, 2018

My Favorite Book Series with Vampires

So, this is a straight list of my top favorites. Most of these I've been reading for years.
  1. Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine
  2. Rachel Morgan Series by Kim Harrison
  3. The Elemental Assassin Series by Jennifer Estep
  4. Jane Yellowrock Series by Faith Hunter
  5. Thirst Series by Christopher Pike
  6. House of Night by P.C Night and Kristin Night
  7. Blue Bloods by Melissa De La Cruz
  8. Chicagoland Vampires by Chloe Neill
  9. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
  10. The Immortals by Allyson Noel
  11. The Witches of East End by Melissa De La Cruz
  12. Drake Chronicles by Alexandra Harvey
  13. Wings in the Night by Maggie Shayne
  14. Darkest Powers Trilogy by Kelly Armstrong
  15. The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod by Heather Brewer
  16. Wicked Games by Michele Hauf
  17. Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
  18. Bloodlines by Richelle Mead
  19. Evernight Series by Claudia Gray
  20. The Vampire Diaries by LJ Smith
You may notice that the Twilight Saga, who I write about all the time, didn't make this list. There is a reason behind that. Essentially, I almost never write about the things I truly love (there are always exceptions to that though)

Sunday, December 2, 2018

It's A Twin Thing Sneak Peek

A brief teaser of Chapter 5 - September 13th:

Three weeks. It had been three long and very disturbing weeks since Edward had decided to... I still wasn't sure what to call it. By his sister's own admission, he probably would have killed me if Beau hadn't showed up and pulled me back from whatever kind of edge that was.

Beau had wanted us to drop out after everything was said and done, but I wasn't about to be cowed by some freak. So we continued to go to school, ate outside and away from the Cullens, and I immediately moved up to the front of Doctor Draconus's class. I hated being that close to the teach who made my skin crawl, but I figured he was safer than the freak.

Today was Wednesday which meant another day in Doctor Draconus's class, as mythology was three days a week. It was also the day Modern History, a class which was three hours long and only happened one day every week. Another words, it was my single longest class every week.

While I was doing an overloaded semester with nineteen credit hours, Beau was signed up for a measly thirteen credit hours.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Holiday Hell

It's that time of year again. For Christmas trees, wreaths, presents, feasts and more. So another words it's that time of year again when the gremlins come out to wreak havoc in a lot of people's daily lives and with well over thirty siblings, nieces, and nephews my life is definitely that way.

So while the gremlins run around, trees are catching fire, gifts are exploding and more, please understand holiday hell has arrived.